2009年8月7日 星期五
小樟樹 Camphor Tree
喜歡種一些花草,不過草花通常漂亮短短一段時間就枯萎了。不知何時,發現空盆子自行長出植物,ㄝ?! 原來是小樟樹ㄛ! 聽姪女說: 樟樹籽被小鳥當食物吞進肚再排泄出來到土裡才會長出小樟樹,如果刻意拿樟樹籽去播種是不易長出幼苗來。
Morakot Typhoon is coming. I’m afraid of the little plants in outside of the windows might be falling down to hit to the passenger of 1st floor. So I moved those plants into the room. Ye…? The little camphor tree grew very fast.
I like flowers and plants. But when I bought the flowers in pot, the flowers could only be alive for a short time. One day, I found that a little plant is growing in the empty pot. It’s a little camphor tree. My niece told me that the bird ate the camphor seed as food, and then it was excreted in the earth and a little camphor was grew. If we try to sow camphor seeds, it’s difficult to germinate.
I often heard some little sparrows singing outside of my bedroom. The little camphor tree must be those sparrows’ work. I think, one day, I need to find another wide place for the camphor tree to develop its world.
2009年7月17日 星期五
夏蟬 Summer Cicada
“Sia! Sia! Sia! Sia...” The cicadas are singing in the summer. There are a lot of big trees around the Yuan-Dao Guan-Yin Temple in Tamsui. It’s a good place for summer cicadas to live there. “Sia! Sia! Sia! Sia! ...” The cicadas are reminding you: “It’s summer time!”
When we heard the cicada’s singing, actually he could be only alive no more than 2 weeks. A cicada deposits eggs on a tree and eggs fall down on the ground. Then the cicada egg becomes to the cicada worm living in the earth for a long time. Then he becomes to a chrysalis and finally gets out of the earth to be a cicada in the 6th summer after he was born in the world. But he could only have 2 weeks of life after he comes out to see the blue sky. In 5 or 6 days, the male cicada starts to make a shrill sound by peculiar organs in the underside of the abdomen, acted upon by powerful muscles to vibrate his stretched membranes to attract the female cicada for generating their next generation.
It takes 6 years, or even some kinds of cicadas need more then 10 years of time to live in the earth. It’s a long time of dark life in the earth, but maybe it’s a happy time for him – with peace, harmony, no challenge in the earth but just waiting for an appropriate summer time to come out for watching the wonderful world. In the ancient time, some people like to bury a jade cicada with their dead relative. Suppose they were expecting that one day their relative could be reborn like the cicada.
Although it’s hot in the summer, but it’s really great to have a cup of ice Latte coffee under the canopy at the Yuan-Dao Guan-Yin Temple. I like it. You could enjoy having a chat with your friends and hearing the Cicada Symphony around of you.
Dear Cicada, Do not care of how long your living time is, but do care of what good time you’ve ever had. To cherish the moment you’ve ever owned. It’s not only your destiny, but it must be also your living philosophy…. Go! Go! Go! Try all of your best to sing the song as what you want till the end of your life.
「吓 ! 吓 ! 吓 ! 吓 !~~~ 」夏天的蟬總是不甘寂寞的唱著歌,在淡水的緣道觀音廟周圍多高大的樹木 – 相思樹、油桐樹、樟樹 … ,葉子茂盛,它們都是夏蟬的好歸宿。在這裡,蟬兒會不時的提醒你 - 「夏 ! 夏 ! 夏 ! 夏 !… 」,現在是夏天啦!
其實當我們聽到蟬的鳴叫聲,牠的壽命只剩不到二星期。一隻蟬從卵的誕生、化成蟲,一直到第六年、甚至有的要十幾年後的夏天才能羽化成蟬,展翅飛翔,羽化成蟬後也只有二星期的壽命;成蟬後約五、六天,雄蟬就會開始「吓 ! 吓 ! 吓 ! 吓 !~~~ 」鼓動腹部鼓膜鳴叫吸引雌蟬進行傳宗接代的任務。雌蟬在樹上產卵,卵掉到地上在泥土中長成幼蟲又開始漫長五、六年至十幾年土中不見天日的日子(對牠來說,也或許那是段最幸福的日子,安靜、祥和的在土中,與世無爭),等待夏日時間到了鑽出土,脫殼重生。古時候的人喜歡用玉蟬陪葬,應也是希望入土後,有一天可以像蟬一樣重生吧 !
夏天雖炎熱,在緣道觀音廟大樹旁帆布棚下,喝著冰拿鐵(我喜歡淡咖啡),耳裡傳來夏蟬演奏「夏! 夏! 夏! 夏 !~~~ 」的夏日交響曲,與好友話話家常聊聊天,還真是人生一大享受!
蟬寶寶 ! 人生不在乎長短,只在乎曾經擁有、曾經燦爛,珍惜存在的每一刻 ! 這是你的宿命,也是你的生存哲學吧 ! 加油 ! 為燦爛的一生,盡情演奏生命的樂章,最後再畫下完美的休止符 !
*Yuan-Dao Guan-Yin Temple四周茂盛林木,適合蟬兒棲息繁延下一代
2009年7月14日 星期二
2009年7月11日 星期六
貪吃的小松鼠 Little Squirrel
2009年7月6日 星期一
捕魚鳥-夜鷺Black-crowned Night Heron
原本與同事約好要去參觀一"藏茶"的發表會,卻因忘記報名且時間有變動而無法如願。唉! 不過既然出門一趟不可白走,就繞去歷史博物館觀賞 '微笑的彩俑"。人潮不少,又碰巧有外縣市首長也在參觀,鎂光燈猛閃。不過,還是不虛此行,微笑的陶俑與陶土捏塑的成群牛、羊、馬、豬、雞,見證歷史漢代君民生活的富裕祥和,呈現在可愛的陶俑藝術文物上。
歷史博物館後方的蓮花池蓮花盛開,常有鳥兒來池旁徘廻找尋食物。今天看到這一隻不小的鳥(不知何名),只見牠靜靜的站在蓮花池中,原來蓮花池的水這麼淺,池裡有不少大大小小的魚。即使小朋友丟麵包削下去,牠還是一動也不動。.... ㄚ! 抓到一條魚了!! 原來牠等魚兒上來吃牠身旁的麵包削時,趁機抓魚。弱肉強食,看來是物競天擇適者生存定律下的一環。
*後記:原來牠就是夜鷺,感謝網友告知! (2009.07.24補記)
*集中精神,機會來了!...不要打擾我 !.....
*哇~~! 逃不了了~ 救命ㄚ~~
2009年7月4日 星期六
紅蜻蜓 Red Dragonfly
輕輕的吹著夢想 慢慢的昇空
紅色的蜻蜓 是我小時候的小小英雄
多希望有一天 能和它一起飛
我們都已經長大 好多夢正在飛
我們都已經長大 好多夢還要飛
2009年7月2日 星期四
小麻雀Little Sparrow
2009年7月1日 星期三
白鷺鷥Little Egret
2009年6月26日 星期五
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